Edgardo Sepulveda
I am an independent consulting economist in the telecommunications sector.
This site is about the electricity sector & decarbonization, a particular research interest of mine.
I have been writing about the electricity sector in Ontario, Canada at the Progressive Economic Forum (PEF) since 2017 and for the Canadian Center for Policy Alternatives (CCPA) in 2018.
I started writing about electrification in 2019 and in September 2021 set out the methodology for project to explore the decarbonization process in the electricity sectors of 30 OECD countries from 1970 to 2020.
The Profiles in Decarbonization in the “Country Profiles” section is the result of this work. The Profiles show which of 30 OECD countries have lowered their electricity sector GHG emissions, how they did it, at what pace, and at what price.
In the “Analysis/Blog” section I include Ontario-related research and will include an updated methodology, as well as other cross-national analysis.
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